"(Leftists) love to say things like, 'We're
just asking
everyone to pay their fair share.' But government
is not
about asking. It is about telling. The difference
fundamental. It is the difference between making
love and
being raped, between working for a living and being
a slave." -- Thomas Sowell
"Today, wanting someone else's money is called
wanting to keep your own money is called 'greed,'
'compassion' is when politicians arrange the
-- Joseph Sobran
"Government is not beneficence, it is force.
And like fire,
it is a dangerous servant and a fearful
-- George Washington
- - - - - - -
1. "Suppose you were an idiot. And
suppose you were a member of Congress. But I
repeat myself." --Mark Twain
2. "We contend that for a nation to try
to tax itself into prosperity is like a man
standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up
by the handle." --Winston Churchill
3. "A government which robs Peter to pay
Paul can always depend on the support of
Paul." --George Bernard Shaw
4. "A liberal is someone who feels a
great debt to his fellow man, which debt he
proposes to pay off with your money." --
G. Gordon Liddy
5. "Democracy must be something more
than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have
for dinner." --James Bovard, Civil Libertarian
6. "Foreign aid might be defined as a
transfer from poor people in rich countries to rich
people in poor countries." --Douglas Casey,
Classmate of W. J. Clinton at Georgetown U.
7. "Giving money and power to government
is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage
boys." --P.J. O'Rourke, Civil
8. "Government is the great fiction,
through which everybody endeavors to live at the
expense of everybody else." --Frederic
Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850)
9. "Government's view of the economy
could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it
moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate
it. And if it stops moving, subsidize
it." -- Ronald Reagan (1986)
10. I don't make jokes. I just watch
the government and report the facts." --Will
11. If you think health care is expensive
now, wait until you see what it costs when it's
free." --P.J. O'Rourke
12. If you want government to intervene
domestically, you're a liberal. If you want
government to intervene overseas, you're a
conservative. If you want government to intervene
everywhere, you're a moderate. If you don't want
government to intervene anywhere, you're an
extremist." --Joseph Sobran, one
time Editor of the National Review (1995)
13. In general, the art of government
consists in taking as much money as possible from
one party of the citizens to give to the other.
--Voltaire (1764)
14. "Just because you do not take an
interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't
take an interest in you." --Pericles
(430 B.C.)
15. "No man's life, liberty, or property
are safe while the legislature is in
session." --Mark Twain (1866)
16. "Talk is cheap-except when Congress
does it." --(Unknown)
17. "The government is like a baby's
alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end
and no responsibility at the other." --Ronald
18. "The inherent vice of capitalism is
the unequal sharing of the blessings. The
inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing
of misery." --Winston Churchill
19. "The only difference between a tax
man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist
leaves the skin." --Mark Twain
20. "The ultimate result of shielding
men from the effects of folly is to fill the world
with fools." -- Herbert Spencer, English
Philosopher (1820-1903)
21. "There is no distinctly native
American criminal class, save Congress."
--Mark Twain
22. "What this country needs are more
unemployed politicians." --
Edward Langley, Artist 1928-1995
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Thursday, April 22, 2004
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Here is some very good advice about money, and the attitudes towards it, from someone who knows from personal experience.
1"I used to have a shallow enjoyment of money.
Now, I have a deep enjoyment of money."
"Of every hundred questions, the answer to 99
is money" -- Chinese Proverb
It is quite true though that you can't be attached
to doo-dads.
If you waste money on doo-dads and simply have no
self control
regarding money, you will never be a "steward
of money" - in fact you will never be
anything. If you find yourself in this
category you must break yourself of it ASAP...or
you'll never be or have anything. It will take
some years. Apart from anything else, never
trust with money (ie, "never trust")
someone who has no control over doo-dad
spending. They are on their learning path and
you can not give them money or have anything to do
with them in business.
Anyway, however, once you DO ACTUALLY HAVE the
ability to create
income streams, of course you can spend it if you
want to. Obviously you can only do three
things, (A) spend it on, welll anything, or (B)
simply save it up, or (C) invest it in creating
other income streams and businesses. so
those are the three options. However
eventually you will get to the point where you
don't NEED any money to create other businesses or
income streams (you will see it as naive that you
ever thought you needed money to create money), so
that eliminates #3. So again all you
can do is either just store it up, or, buy
whatever takes your fancy.
Many people who create businesses and products
successfully say they find their problem is
GETTING RID OF money, don't know what to do with
it. Many people just give up and buy lots of
real estate with the excess that you don't knwo
what to do with and can't seem to
You only need say, I think, oh, as little as 40 or
50 grand per annum passive income (ie after taxes
of course, in pocket) to live and eat and have a
fine reasonable life. I really don't see any
reason you NEED much more than that (inflation
adjusted forever of course) based on current
prices of housing, transport, food and doodads in
parts of the world.
(The exception is if you insist on living in the
central part of the worlds's expensive cities --
which can cost a fortune in rent, but is
completely poitnless; if your enterprises are set
up properly you shoudl be able to live most
Once you have say, oh, 200 kpa, you can have
anything, anytime,
except the most expensive silly-money supercars,
and, private planes.
(I have no idea how much income you need to have to
be able to
support a private plane habit -- I imagine you are
talking $10 m a year)
Funnliy enough I have been working on a handy
"scale of wealth" for measuring these
things! :)
the moral of the story is definitely this:
"If you waste money on doo-dads and simply
have no self control regarding money, you will
never be a "steward of money" - in fact
you will never be anything. If you find yourself
in this category you must break yourself of it
ASAP...or you'll never be or have anything.
It will take some years."
---->Gaming solutions, and Ecurrency systems and usages !
----- New Investment Opportunities ------
----> Encryption Services, Relocation Services to
----> Costa Rica, and Elsewhere Privacy/Offshore Consultations
----> Send email to: porongo@safe-mail.net for info.
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----> Visit Destiny Central http://www.destiny-worldwide.net <---
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1"I used to have a shallow enjoyment of money.
Now, I have a deep enjoyment of money."
"Of every hundred questions, the answer to 99
is money" -- Chinese Proverb
It is quite true though that you can't be attached
to doo-dads.
If you waste money on doo-dads and simply have no
self control
regarding money, you will never be a "steward
of money" - in fact you will never be
anything. If you find yourself in this
category you must break yourself of it ASAP...or
you'll never be or have anything. It will take
some years. Apart from anything else, never
trust with money (ie, "never trust")
someone who has no control over doo-dad
spending. They are on their learning path and
you can not give them money or have anything to do
with them in business.
Anyway, however, once you DO ACTUALLY HAVE the
ability to create
income streams, of course you can spend it if you
want to. Obviously you can only do three
things, (A) spend it on, welll anything, or (B)
simply save it up, or (C) invest it in creating
other income streams and businesses. so
those are the three options. However
eventually you will get to the point where you
don't NEED any money to create other businesses or
income streams (you will see it as naive that you
ever thought you needed money to create money), so
that eliminates #3. So again all you
can do is either just store it up, or, buy
whatever takes your fancy.
Many people who create businesses and products
successfully say they find their problem is
GETTING RID OF money, don't know what to do with
it. Many people just give up and buy lots of
real estate with the excess that you don't knwo
what to do with and can't seem to
You only need say, I think, oh, as little as 40 or
50 grand per annum passive income (ie after taxes
of course, in pocket) to live and eat and have a
fine reasonable life. I really don't see any
reason you NEED much more than that (inflation
adjusted forever of course) based on current
prices of housing, transport, food and doodads in
parts of the world.
(The exception is if you insist on living in the
central part of the worlds's expensive cities --
which can cost a fortune in rent, but is
completely poitnless; if your enterprises are set
up properly you shoudl be able to live most
Once you have say, oh, 200 kpa, you can have
anything, anytime,
except the most expensive silly-money supercars,
and, private planes.
(I have no idea how much income you need to have to
be able to
support a private plane habit -- I imagine you are
talking $10 m a year)
Funnliy enough I have been working on a handy
"scale of wealth" for measuring these
things! :)
the moral of the story is definitely this:
"If you waste money on doo-dads and simply
have no self control regarding money, you will
never be a "steward of money" - in fact
you will never be anything. If you find yourself
in this category you must break yourself of it
ASAP...or you'll never be or have anything.
It will take some years."
---->Gaming solutions, and Ecurrency systems and usages !
----- New Investment Opportunities ------
----> Encryption Services, Relocation Services to
----> Costa Rica, and Elsewhere Privacy/Offshore Consultations
----> Send email to: porongo@safe-mail.net for info.
--<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>--
----> Become the Success You Deserve in Life!
----> Visit Destiny Central http://www.destiny-worldwide.net <---
--<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>--
Get Spiritual Refreshment. Restore your soul.
----> http://www.destiny-worldwide.net/rcg/ <-----------------
----> Discover the mystery of Costa Rica!
----> http://www.destiny-worldwide.net/costa-rica/ <---------------
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-----------------> Visit our New Blogs! <-----------------
----> SuccessQuest http://successquest.blogspot.com/
----> The Real Truth http://destiny-worldwide.blogspot.com/
----> Costa Rica News http://costa-rica-news.blogspot.com/
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Hello all,
This is a general announcement to all our lists and other lists we feel would be interested.
We have today revived our SuccessQuest list.
This is a low volume list that features 1-4 articles of interest on business, success, self improvement, and related topics.
This list does not discuss financial matters, which is reserved for our Invest_Rite group.
We will be copying the articles to Invest_Rite for a short time so that any members of that group who wish may also join that group, and we will be posting Invest_Rite messages to the SuccessQuest group as well, but this crossposting will only go on for 1-2 weeks, and then each group will return to its own topics.
We plan to publish very helpful and informative material to this group, so if you want to join now so you won't miss out on anything, you may go to our egroups subscription page at:
Just scroll down to the group and enter your email address to subscribe.
Thank you and I know you will enjoy this!
---->Gaming solutions, and Ecurrency systems and usages !
----- New Investment Opportunities ------
----> Encryption Services, Relocation Services to
----> Costa Rica, and Elsewhere Privacy/Offshore Consultations
----> Send email to: porongo@safe-mail.net for info.
--<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>--
----> Become the Success You Deserve in Life!
----> Visit Destiny Central http://www.destiny-worldwide.net <---
--<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>--
Get Spiritual Refreshment. Restore your soul.
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----> Discover the mystery of Costa Rica!
----> http://www.destiny-worldwide.net/costa-rica/ <---------------
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-----------------> Visit our New Blogs! <-----------------
----> SuccessQuest http://successquest.blogspot.com/
----> The Real Truth http://destiny-worldwide.blogspot.com/
----> Costa Rica News http://costa-rica-news.blogspot.com/
This is a general announcement to all our lists and other lists we feel would be interested.
We have today revived our SuccessQuest list.
This is a low volume list that features 1-4 articles of interest on business, success, self improvement, and related topics.
This list does not discuss financial matters, which is reserved for our Invest_Rite group.
We will be copying the articles to Invest_Rite for a short time so that any members of that group who wish may also join that group, and we will be posting Invest_Rite messages to the SuccessQuest group as well, but this crossposting will only go on for 1-2 weeks, and then each group will return to its own topics.
We plan to publish very helpful and informative material to this group, so if you want to join now so you won't miss out on anything, you may go to our egroups subscription page at:
Just scroll down to the group and enter your email address to subscribe.
Thank you and I know you will enjoy this!
---->Gaming solutions, and Ecurrency systems and usages !
----- New Investment Opportunities ------
----> Encryption Services, Relocation Services to
----> Costa Rica, and Elsewhere Privacy/Offshore Consultations
----> Send email to: porongo@safe-mail.net for info.
--<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>--
----> Become the Success You Deserve in Life!
----> Visit Destiny Central http://www.destiny-worldwide.net <---
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Get Spiritual Refreshment. Restore your soul.
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----> Discover the mystery of Costa Rica!
----> http://www.destiny-worldwide.net/costa-rica/ <---------------
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-----------------> Visit our New Blogs! <-----------------
----> SuccessQuest http://successquest.blogspot.com/
----> The Real Truth http://destiny-worldwide.blogspot.com/
----> Costa Rica News http://costa-rica-news.blogspot.com/
Thursday, April 08, 2004
>From GoldMoney Alerts
What Future for the U.S. Dollar?
What You Should Know About the Imminent
Prospects for a Disorderly Decline in the Dollar
by W. Joseph Stroupe
Copyright C 2004 by W. Joseph Stroupe. All rights
Reprinted by GoldMoney with permission.
It is a well known fact that political / economic
disarray, whether it arrives in the form of acute
turmoil or in a somewhat lower grade but chronic
pattern of recklessness and imprudence (or perhaps
in a combination of both) can easily create the
kind of uncertainty that leads to a weakening, and
even a destabilization, of a nation's currency.
Fear and uncertainty are the real enemies of a
healthy currency. Once a fundamental weakening in a
currency takes hold, quick but prudent and wise
measures are required to reverse the trend. Failing
that, or even in the event that unwise and
short-sighted political and/or economic measures
are taken which further undermine confidence in
that currency, then at some point one may see
steady decline turn to a rapid and disorderly fall
as confidence begins to fail and those holding
significant reserve amounts in that currency rush
to minimize their losses. This is the nightmare
scenario for any currency.
When that currency happens to be the international
standard currency belonging to the U.S. superpower,
then the risks are magnified many times over. By
almost any measure, a fundamental weakening in the
dollar has already taken hold. Additionally,
short-sighted, imprudent and very unwise political
and economic measures have already been enacted
which threaten to turn the dollar's steady decline
into a disorderly plunge. How so?
Enormous and still-skyrocketing U.S. debt continues
to give the
international community in general, and the Asian
economies in particular, a serious case of
"nerves" about the stability of the U.S.
economy and its currency. The Asian central banks
have been buying enormous amounts of U.S. debt and
thus holding their reserves in dollars. Private
investors have already abandoned the practice of
buying U.S. debt (out of a very real fear of
getting stuck holding severely weakened dollars),
and that has placed the entire burden upon the
central banks. By all appearances, they are stuck
in a cycle of buying dollars, holding reserves in
dollars, to keep their own currencies from rising
against the dollar and hurting their export
position. However, the policy simply cannot
continue much longer because the strains caused by
such enormous imbalances are becoming terrific. At
some point, the Asian central banks will be forced
by an array of considerations and pressures to
alter their monetary policy and begin to cut back
on their purchases of U.S. debt. As the dollar
continues its decline, and this trend pleases the
Bush administration in an election year (due to
very short-term surface-deep benefits to the
economy), the value of the reserves held by the
Asian central banks continues to take a very
substantial hit. Domestic political pressure within
the Asian nations to sell a significant amount of
dollars before their value declines much further
and invest in domestic assets is becoming very
great. The central banks are also becoming very
nervous about the identical fear which caused the
private investors to stop buying U.S. debt - what
if they get stuck with a huge mountain of very weak
Against this background, this month both Japan and
India sent credible indications they are seriously
considering such changes in their monetary
policies, according to reports in Bloomberg, The
Business Times and others. They are acting very
carefully, taking small steps, as one can
reasonably understand they must. But acting they
are, demonstrating they at least must begin to
develop some kind of viable exit strategy from the
dollar. An exit strategy might even be further
along, at least in the planning stages, than most
persons might imagine. Political, diplomatic and
even geopolitical considerations, in addition to
economic ones, are also adding their tremendous
pressures to move the Asian and other economies
toward an exit strategy from the dollar. Around the
world there is a growing sense that a course of
increased independence from the U.S. is the wise
course. We see matters moving in that direction,
rather than toward the U.S., on economic and
diplomatic levels. The Iraq situation has helped to
give significant impetus to such trends. And the
actions and policies of the Bush
Administration have tended to erase whatever
loyalty and sympathy might have previously existed
on the part of the Asians and others. Now, these
players will tend to act purely in their own
interests, without consideration for the American
administration or American interests, unless their
interests happen to coincide.
For example, with respect to India, the
administration recently displayed yet again that it
evidently possesses little or no sensitivity to
legitimate Indian interests. On March 23 the U.S.
completely blind-sided its so-called strategic
partner India by granting Pakistan MNNA status,
removing sanctions and paving the way for the sale
of weapons to Pakistan. The Indians were deeply
offended and angered, understandably so. The
surprise announcement, which did not even consider
legitimate Indian interests, came in the thick of
the Indian political campaign and threatened to
humiliate candidates seen to have a pro-U.S.
stance. India is one nation that has been massively
financing U.S. debt by buying dollars. On March 27,
in an editorial by Sultan Shahin in The Asia Times
Online, the almost immediate repercussions of such
insensitive U.S. policy were outlined - and they
are very serious and could be immensely damaging to
the already shaky stability of the U.S. dollar.
India is easing up on the buying of dollars - just
days after the U.S. snubbed India and granted MNNA
status to Pakistan, as noted above. Is there a
connection between the two events? Very possibly.
The Bush Administration has made an undeniable
track record for itself of such insensitivity
around the world. As such, it risks losing the
extremely valuable economic, diplomatic and
geopolitical cooperation of key players which it
desperately needs. It seems almost oblivious to
repercussions, however, evidently assuming the
stability of the dollar is never really in doubt.
But as more global players increasingly pursue
their own interests, in a growing independence from
Washington, the resulting repercussions against the
dollar will begin to multiply. There simply isn't
any way to reverse the negative trends and forces
moving against the dollar, short of a profound
philosophical change on economic and diplomatic
levels in Washington - and that seems very
unlikely. Even a new administration this fall would
be saddled with the enormous weight of America's
crushing debt and international isolation and the
unprecedented level of ill-will directed at the
last superpower - so what could it really do to
turn things around for the dollar?
As detailed in numerous insightful editorials at
GoldMoney.com (see The Dollar versus the Euro by
Alex Wallenwein, for example), the U.S. is on the
wrong side of gold. The euro is on the right side
of gold, however. Increasingly, private and state
investors are moving toward real money (like gold)
and currencies firmly anchored to real money. The
U.S. dollar has very little, if anything, to
recommend it in view of the complete picture of
geopolitical and geo economic trends and
developments. So do not be surprised to see the EU,
Russia, India, OPEC and Asia increase and deepen
their mutual cooperation in finding a viable exit
strategy from the dollar, perhaps much sooner than
most people would expect. They will likely find
that there is strength, stability and comfort in
numbers, as the global economic order undergoes
unprecedented tectonic plate shifts, progressively
reordering itself away from a unipolar order and
toward a multipolar one. In the midst of such
massive reordering, it is the stability of real
money and currencies firmly anchored to real money
that will carry the day.
W. Joseph Stroupe is the editor of
www.geostrategymap.com, an online geopolitical
magazine. He can be can be contacted at:
---->Gaming solutions, and Ecurrency systems and usages !
----- New Investment Opportunities ------
----> Encryption Services, Relocation Services to
----> Costa Rica, and Elsewhere Privacy/Offshore Consultations
----> Send email to: porongo@safe-mail.net for info.
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What Future for the U.S. Dollar?
What You Should Know About the Imminent
Prospects for a Disorderly Decline in the Dollar
by W. Joseph Stroupe
Copyright C 2004 by W. Joseph Stroupe. All rights
Reprinted by GoldMoney with permission.
It is a well known fact that political / economic
disarray, whether it arrives in the form of acute
turmoil or in a somewhat lower grade but chronic
pattern of recklessness and imprudence (or perhaps
in a combination of both) can easily create the
kind of uncertainty that leads to a weakening, and
even a destabilization, of a nation's currency.
Fear and uncertainty are the real enemies of a
healthy currency. Once a fundamental weakening in a
currency takes hold, quick but prudent and wise
measures are required to reverse the trend. Failing
that, or even in the event that unwise and
short-sighted political and/or economic measures
are taken which further undermine confidence in
that currency, then at some point one may see
steady decline turn to a rapid and disorderly fall
as confidence begins to fail and those holding
significant reserve amounts in that currency rush
to minimize their losses. This is the nightmare
scenario for any currency.
When that currency happens to be the international
standard currency belonging to the U.S. superpower,
then the risks are magnified many times over. By
almost any measure, a fundamental weakening in the
dollar has already taken hold. Additionally,
short-sighted, imprudent and very unwise political
and economic measures have already been enacted
which threaten to turn the dollar's steady decline
into a disorderly plunge. How so?
Enormous and still-skyrocketing U.S. debt continues
to give the
international community in general, and the Asian
economies in particular, a serious case of
"nerves" about the stability of the U.S.
economy and its currency. The Asian central banks
have been buying enormous amounts of U.S. debt and
thus holding their reserves in dollars. Private
investors have already abandoned the practice of
buying U.S. debt (out of a very real fear of
getting stuck holding severely weakened dollars),
and that has placed the entire burden upon the
central banks. By all appearances, they are stuck
in a cycle of buying dollars, holding reserves in
dollars, to keep their own currencies from rising
against the dollar and hurting their export
position. However, the policy simply cannot
continue much longer because the strains caused by
such enormous imbalances are becoming terrific. At
some point, the Asian central banks will be forced
by an array of considerations and pressures to
alter their monetary policy and begin to cut back
on their purchases of U.S. debt. As the dollar
continues its decline, and this trend pleases the
Bush administration in an election year (due to
very short-term surface-deep benefits to the
economy), the value of the reserves held by the
Asian central banks continues to take a very
substantial hit. Domestic political pressure within
the Asian nations to sell a significant amount of
dollars before their value declines much further
and invest in domestic assets is becoming very
great. The central banks are also becoming very
nervous about the identical fear which caused the
private investors to stop buying U.S. debt - what
if they get stuck with a huge mountain of very weak
Against this background, this month both Japan and
India sent credible indications they are seriously
considering such changes in their monetary
policies, according to reports in Bloomberg, The
Business Times and others. They are acting very
carefully, taking small steps, as one can
reasonably understand they must. But acting they
are, demonstrating they at least must begin to
develop some kind of viable exit strategy from the
dollar. An exit strategy might even be further
along, at least in the planning stages, than most
persons might imagine. Political, diplomatic and
even geopolitical considerations, in addition to
economic ones, are also adding their tremendous
pressures to move the Asian and other economies
toward an exit strategy from the dollar. Around the
world there is a growing sense that a course of
increased independence from the U.S. is the wise
course. We see matters moving in that direction,
rather than toward the U.S., on economic and
diplomatic levels. The Iraq situation has helped to
give significant impetus to such trends. And the
actions and policies of the Bush
Administration have tended to erase whatever
loyalty and sympathy might have previously existed
on the part of the Asians and others. Now, these
players will tend to act purely in their own
interests, without consideration for the American
administration or American interests, unless their
interests happen to coincide.
For example, with respect to India, the
administration recently displayed yet again that it
evidently possesses little or no sensitivity to
legitimate Indian interests. On March 23 the U.S.
completely blind-sided its so-called strategic
partner India by granting Pakistan MNNA status,
removing sanctions and paving the way for the sale
of weapons to Pakistan. The Indians were deeply
offended and angered, understandably so. The
surprise announcement, which did not even consider
legitimate Indian interests, came in the thick of
the Indian political campaign and threatened to
humiliate candidates seen to have a pro-U.S.
stance. India is one nation that has been massively
financing U.S. debt by buying dollars. On March 27,
in an editorial by Sultan Shahin in The Asia Times
Online, the almost immediate repercussions of such
insensitive U.S. policy were outlined - and they
are very serious and could be immensely damaging to
the already shaky stability of the U.S. dollar.
India is easing up on the buying of dollars - just
days after the U.S. snubbed India and granted MNNA
status to Pakistan, as noted above. Is there a
connection between the two events? Very possibly.
The Bush Administration has made an undeniable
track record for itself of such insensitivity
around the world. As such, it risks losing the
extremely valuable economic, diplomatic and
geopolitical cooperation of key players which it
desperately needs. It seems almost oblivious to
repercussions, however, evidently assuming the
stability of the dollar is never really in doubt.
But as more global players increasingly pursue
their own interests, in a growing independence from
Washington, the resulting repercussions against the
dollar will begin to multiply. There simply isn't
any way to reverse the negative trends and forces
moving against the dollar, short of a profound
philosophical change on economic and diplomatic
levels in Washington - and that seems very
unlikely. Even a new administration this fall would
be saddled with the enormous weight of America's
crushing debt and international isolation and the
unprecedented level of ill-will directed at the
last superpower - so what could it really do to
turn things around for the dollar?
As detailed in numerous insightful editorials at
GoldMoney.com (see The Dollar versus the Euro by
Alex Wallenwein, for example), the U.S. is on the
wrong side of gold. The euro is on the right side
of gold, however. Increasingly, private and state
investors are moving toward real money (like gold)
and currencies firmly anchored to real money. The
U.S. dollar has very little, if anything, to
recommend it in view of the complete picture of
geopolitical and geo economic trends and
developments. So do not be surprised to see the EU,
Russia, India, OPEC and Asia increase and deepen
their mutual cooperation in finding a viable exit
strategy from the dollar, perhaps much sooner than
most people would expect. They will likely find
that there is strength, stability and comfort in
numbers, as the global economic order undergoes
unprecedented tectonic plate shifts, progressively
reordering itself away from a unipolar order and
toward a multipolar one. In the midst of such
massive reordering, it is the stability of real
money and currencies firmly anchored to real money
that will carry the day.
W. Joseph Stroupe is the editor of
www.geostrategymap.com, an online geopolitical
magazine. He can be can be contacted at:
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Monday, April 05, 2004
I invite all to come to our website at Destiny Central, to listen to our Success Lessons, which tell you how to become a co creator. As is mentioned in this article, becoming a co creator is the wave of the future. So I suggest you go with the flow and start learning this early.
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Wag the World
You are being seduced, people. We are all being actively seduced.
Much like in a play or a movie, you’re being seduced into paying attention to what is on the screen and nothing else. What was going on with the cameramen, director and producers, you never considered. Your curiosity had you by the frontal lobes.
You were seduced.
In the world of entertainment, that’s fine. But what is going on now concerns our very lives.
I am fairly certain that you are familiar with the term “Wag the Dog.” What is going on right now, right in our faces is, “Wag the World.”
Take the upcoming election, for example. The polls (conducted and paid for by who knows?) say that this race is neck-and-neck. Too close to call, a cliffhanger. This is seductive, isn’t it? Who will win? Will it be Skull-and-Bones Bush or Skull-and-Bones Kerry? With all voting machines owned by Republicans, and no paper trail, I guess it is pretty much a toss-up who comes out on top. So why do the drama?
The only reason is to deeply involve the public in a partisan conflict, the outcome of which is no more meaningful than an NFL, NBA, NHL game or NASCAR race. You understand that all those leagues are businesses, dedicated to enlisting your emotional allegiance so you will pay attention—and dollars $—to see how it turns out. Right?
And what difference does that outcome produce? Unless you bet the farm on the game or on the season, not all that much, huh? Sure was exciting though, wasn’t it?
A close game or a close race makes people pay attention—gets us really involved. Get out there and vote, people! Be proud to participate in this great democracy, where “Every Vote Counts!” (As long as you vote for those who WE, the Powers that BE, have appointed as our stooges.) I wonder why the New England Patriots have been in every Super Bowl since September 11, 2001? How do you hide a
conspiracy? Make it so big that no one can imagine it. Does 9/11ring a bell?
What good is having all the POWER if you don’t use it? And if you already have all the money and the natural resources of the planet, what would you be hungry for?
Yes, “They,” the Powers that Be—the international corporations, the insurance companies, the banks—own everything, including the air that you are breathing. So what do “They” want? “They” want the only stuff that you have ever really had, your Time and Attention. All your possessions (including your body), and your various relationships, you have only for a Time, and then only as long as you are paying Attention to them. Your total Time and Attention is what “They” want, and “They” are doing a bang-up job of getting what “They” want, aren’t they?
What is going on here is a plot divide the people to the maximum degree, by small degrees at a time, as in a seduction. You know that if you move too fast in a seduction it will have to be aborted or it becomes a rape. Now rape is usually resisted—throughout history many leaders were caught, taken out and murdered for the rape of the people and the national treasuries. In this case, the treasuries are already secured, so the reach is for the absolute enslavement of your Time and Attention, your emotions and your passion. Really stinkin’ sneaky isn’t it?
Circa 1755, Power Consciousness slowly began to carry out its domination plan. Ever since, stage by stage, more and more issues have been trotted out to shock the public—to cause them to rise in outrage—to confuse and divide the public while unifying power.
Divide and conquer, for total victory. All of this is being done very methodically. Each step is calculated—the public must be able to understand the reasoning behind it. If “They” were to do too radical a departure from the norm, the seduction would be over and the public would revolt too soon, so they have to build this slowly. They have to raise your emotions and passions by degree, either for or against something. When you care enough, when your anger and fear have been evoked strongly enough, when your passions have been whipped into a frenzy, when you are willing to kill for your beliefs, They (Republican and/or Democrat corporate media puppets) will have finished their job and can kick back and enjoy the fruits of ruling a slave population on Planet Earth. What a Party! Can you imagine all the Power!?? They can.
I have an admission to make. For the last fifteen years or so, I have been a news addict. I have watched, read and listened to all of the shit that has rolled downhill, and have acquired some big ass calluses. (Believe me, you need ’em to sit through it all.)
I understand why you wouldn’t want to—but somebody had to do it. And what I have discovered is a definite pattern—designed to slowly turn up the outrage factor. Like a toad in a warm bucket of water, we are sitting here as the heat rises to boiling, and all the toadies get cooked.
Those of you who are reading this—and have read the earlier “Third Night News” articles—have a very special advantage. We know how all of this eventually turns out. Ethics over Power as the Galactic Cycle continues its evolutionary sweep and a smoother ride for those aligned with spirit from the Fourth “Day” (2005) onward.
What this means is that we do not have to become seduced by the drama. Have your ever watched a movie four or five times? What happened to the dramatic effect? It went limp, didn’t it? But you did get to see a lot more of went into the movie as you watched it over and over, didn’t you? Camera angles, lighting, costume details and so on. This is because you knew how it turned out.
So now, with the Mayan calendar cycles, we can see when and how this is all going to turn out, and the big production drama being put on for us has very little effect. In fact, the performance looks sort of clownish, and, frankly, there are some very poor actors in bit parts out there.
The 2004 election is going to make WWWF look like the Amateur Hour. It will end up being actual physical bloody politics towards the end. Along the way, the general public will be leaked progressively inflammatory information (by various whistle blowers) up to and including that George Bush and Cheney did do 9/11, as a last-ditch campaign ploy to get out the votes to beat Bush. It makes sense that if they were really desperate, they would do that, right? That’s very important, because this all has to be done in degrees. It has to feel natural—not too sudden or the seduction is ruined. They are working on it right now, inflaming every cultural, economic, religious and ethnic conflict that they can!
They are busy turning the heat up and the lights off!
All of this is actually being done, by the way, by The Galactic Consciousness Cycle that is really running this show—on a very particular schedule. (The Galactic Cycle is all about discernment, individuation and dissection for full disclosure and ultimate truth.)
The schedule of the Evolution of Consciousness is a repeating cycle that ascends in a spiral path described by the Mayan calendar. What we know about what will probably occur in our near future is from the past, from historical records of what Consciousness has gone through during the same Creative/Destructive energies in previous cycles.
We also know that the best two men for the job of Pres and Vice Pres are the only two Democrats who got totally ignored so far. (If you don’t know who they are, the media blackout worked on you.) So we have Skull-and-Bones Kerry as the corporate-appointed Democrat nominee—and these two “other guys” who are running on the Consciousness/Light and Laughter platform. This platform is to be the dominating Consciousness of 2005, or the Fourth “Day” of the Mayan calendar.
How does someone get picked to be a presidential candidate? Who would the power elite trust with the hundreds of trillions of dollars that they control World Wide? Not just anybody, that’s for sure. And not anyone who stands up for the citizens—they might spend some of that money on the people! Oh God No! Not that! So what is the process?
The following data comes from many sources on the Internet and various “conspiracy” books--fairly impossible to track all the way down to source--but the sheer number of similar reports from wide-spread sources seems to indicate there must be some truth to what I am about to reveal.
We know how cruel people can be to one another in public. What about not just in private, but in secret? Who loves secrets? The Powerful that's who. The deeper and darker the secret, the more powerful the secret.
It starts in school, some law school or Ivy League college—some special, club-type institution.
It starts with an invitation to join a club or secret society—offered because of your lineage, because of your connections and your desire to become powerful. Favors are offered as a reward for joining these clubs and societies. To begin with, the favors involve grades, drugs, alcohol and sex. Membership begins with a ceremony, or initiation, that binds the person to secrecy.
How do you do that for sure?
By photographing the new “Member” involved in sexual acts—photographs that would instantly ruin their lives if they were ever made public.
Now you’re not ever going to tell anything about the workings of the group. Later, when a “Member” is approached by the club for a “favor,” that member had better perform or he or she will not progress up the power ladder. These favors start small and are only slightly illegal—or perhaps “only” immoral—and the person is rewarded with lavish gifts of sex, money, connections and prestige. The next favors are more involved, designed to test the “Member’s” resourcefulness and the strength of his or her desire to gain money, power, and sexual rewards. Rewards for these favors lead to the witnessing of taboo ceremonies involving sex and torture, regular orgies having lost their kick by now for the up-and-coming “Member.” Once a “Member” desires public office or a “ready made” business success, attendance at these rituals becomes mandatory. (All on film of course.) Once in office or at the head of the corporation, the “Member” will be expected to personally perform the ritual
torture and/or killing of the victim(s). After the “Member” has demonstrated his or her willingness to personally torture and murder on command, he or she makes the not-so-short list of potential leaders. This is not to say that all CEOs or politicians or police are involved. Those aforementioned are the ”Members” who have directly received “Favors.” These are people who have advanced themselves at the suffering of others. Lots of “Members” out there or you wouldn’t be hurting like you are.
How would you make sure that someone was willing to kill tens of thousands or millions of people for the sole benefit of your powerful friends? Through duly witnessed and photographed demonstrations of their total lack of regard for human suffering and loss of life. Now, the “Member” has become a suitable nominee for president or prime minister of whatever country they happen to be lurking in. Don’t think so? Can’t happen here?
Where do one hundred and fifty thousand kids disappear to each year in this country alone?
And you thought it was only pretty little white girls advertised on TV that go missing?
Check out what is happening in the Belgium courts right now over pedophile sex ring charges and the number of suicides among government leaders and policemen all across Europe.
Have you heard of the Amber Alert Bill? Do you know how and why and what that bill is? Do you know why it was rushed through, with rider bills attached?
Now there is a system that alerts everyone on the road of any vehicle’s make, color and license plate number in which a stolen kid may be riding. No matter why the police want this car and driver, everyone thinks it’s a kidnapping. Welcome to the US Public Police Force—you have been deputized.
Night clubs in your area shutting down? As a rider to the Amber Alert Bill, any club owner or venue renter is guilty of the possession of all controlled substances found in the possession of patrons at their club or venue. This will stop people from gathering anywhere other than Christian revival meetings, football games, stockcar races or other corporate-endorsed events. No drug checks there, huh?
So, how’s it going to go from how bad it is now to how it should be in 2005?
VERY QUICKLY is tanswer to that question. Very quickly indeed.
During each fourth “Day” the newest consciousness, in this case ETHICS, overcomes the previous consciousness, POWER, and new foundations are laid for the new consciousness to develop along its evolutionary path toward the next evolutionary jump.
The next jump is the consciousness of Conscious Co-Creation.
As you are already seeing in your lives today, there are more and more synchronicities, and random telepathic experiences happening. We are stepping into our roles of being creators right now. And, in fact, creating your own survival during the coming changes will be only way to survive. This is an evolution, after all. Evolution is a fabulously effective tool. Look how far we’ve come from cellular ooze in just 820 million years.
But Evolution has no mercy. This does not have to be tough on a Creator, just on victims.
Got it?
The storm will rise. The storm will rage and the storm will pass, leaving a cleaner environment for renewed growth. We know how it ends, with light and love prevailing.
Ian Xel Lungold
9 Jaguar (IX)
March 12, 2004
Ian Xel Lungold at the Mayan Calendar stone in Coba, Mexico
http://www.mayanmajix.com to learn more about the Mayan Calendar, Articles, Videos, Interviews, Learning Lab, Photo Gallery of Ancient Mayan Sacred Sites, Market , Links, and more.
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Wag the World
You are being seduced, people. We are all being actively seduced.
Much like in a play or a movie, you’re being seduced into paying attention to what is on the screen and nothing else. What was going on with the cameramen, director and producers, you never considered. Your curiosity had you by the frontal lobes.
You were seduced.
In the world of entertainment, that’s fine. But what is going on now concerns our very lives.
I am fairly certain that you are familiar with the term “Wag the Dog.” What is going on right now, right in our faces is, “Wag the World.”
Take the upcoming election, for example. The polls (conducted and paid for by who knows?) say that this race is neck-and-neck. Too close to call, a cliffhanger. This is seductive, isn’t it? Who will win? Will it be Skull-and-Bones Bush or Skull-and-Bones Kerry? With all voting machines owned by Republicans, and no paper trail, I guess it is pretty much a toss-up who comes out on top. So why do the drama?
The only reason is to deeply involve the public in a partisan conflict, the outcome of which is no more meaningful than an NFL, NBA, NHL game or NASCAR race. You understand that all those leagues are businesses, dedicated to enlisting your emotional allegiance so you will pay attention—and dollars $—to see how it turns out. Right?
And what difference does that outcome produce? Unless you bet the farm on the game or on the season, not all that much, huh? Sure was exciting though, wasn’t it?
A close game or a close race makes people pay attention—gets us really involved. Get out there and vote, people! Be proud to participate in this great democracy, where “Every Vote Counts!” (As long as you vote for those who WE, the Powers that BE, have appointed as our stooges.) I wonder why the New England Patriots have been in every Super Bowl since September 11, 2001? How do you hide a
conspiracy? Make it so big that no one can imagine it. Does 9/11ring a bell?
What good is having all the POWER if you don’t use it? And if you already have all the money and the natural resources of the planet, what would you be hungry for?
Yes, “They,” the Powers that Be—the international corporations, the insurance companies, the banks—own everything, including the air that you are breathing. So what do “They” want? “They” want the only stuff that you have ever really had, your Time and Attention. All your possessions (including your body), and your various relationships, you have only for a Time, and then only as long as you are paying Attention to them. Your total Time and Attention is what “They” want, and “They” are doing a bang-up job of getting what “They” want, aren’t they?
What is going on here is a plot divide the people to the maximum degree, by small degrees at a time, as in a seduction. You know that if you move too fast in a seduction it will have to be aborted or it becomes a rape. Now rape is usually resisted—throughout history many leaders were caught, taken out and murdered for the rape of the people and the national treasuries. In this case, the treasuries are already secured, so the reach is for the absolute enslavement of your Time and Attention, your emotions and your passion. Really stinkin’ sneaky isn’t it?
Circa 1755, Power Consciousness slowly began to carry out its domination plan. Ever since, stage by stage, more and more issues have been trotted out to shock the public—to cause them to rise in outrage—to confuse and divide the public while unifying power.
Divide and conquer, for total victory. All of this is being done very methodically. Each step is calculated—the public must be able to understand the reasoning behind it. If “They” were to do too radical a departure from the norm, the seduction would be over and the public would revolt too soon, so they have to build this slowly. They have to raise your emotions and passions by degree, either for or against something. When you care enough, when your anger and fear have been evoked strongly enough, when your passions have been whipped into a frenzy, when you are willing to kill for your beliefs, They (Republican and/or Democrat corporate media puppets) will have finished their job and can kick back and enjoy the fruits of ruling a slave population on Planet Earth. What a Party! Can you imagine all the Power!?? They can.
I have an admission to make. For the last fifteen years or so, I have been a news addict. I have watched, read and listened to all of the shit that has rolled downhill, and have acquired some big ass calluses. (Believe me, you need ’em to sit through it all.)
I understand why you wouldn’t want to—but somebody had to do it. And what I have discovered is a definite pattern—designed to slowly turn up the outrage factor. Like a toad in a warm bucket of water, we are sitting here as the heat rises to boiling, and all the toadies get cooked.
Those of you who are reading this—and have read the earlier “Third Night News” articles—have a very special advantage. We know how all of this eventually turns out. Ethics over Power as the Galactic Cycle continues its evolutionary sweep and a smoother ride for those aligned with spirit from the Fourth “Day” (2005) onward.
What this means is that we do not have to become seduced by the drama. Have your ever watched a movie four or five times? What happened to the dramatic effect? It went limp, didn’t it? But you did get to see a lot more of went into the movie as you watched it over and over, didn’t you? Camera angles, lighting, costume details and so on. This is because you knew how it turned out.
So now, with the Mayan calendar cycles, we can see when and how this is all going to turn out, and the big production drama being put on for us has very little effect. In fact, the performance looks sort of clownish, and, frankly, there are some very poor actors in bit parts out there.
The 2004 election is going to make WWWF look like the Amateur Hour. It will end up being actual physical bloody politics towards the end. Along the way, the general public will be leaked progressively inflammatory information (by various whistle blowers) up to and including that George Bush and Cheney did do 9/11, as a last-ditch campaign ploy to get out the votes to beat Bush. It makes sense that if they were really desperate, they would do that, right? That’s very important, because this all has to be done in degrees. It has to feel natural—not too sudden or the seduction is ruined. They are working on it right now, inflaming every cultural, economic, religious and ethnic conflict that they can!
They are busy turning the heat up and the lights off!
All of this is actually being done, by the way, by The Galactic Consciousness Cycle that is really running this show—on a very particular schedule. (The Galactic Cycle is all about discernment, individuation and dissection for full disclosure and ultimate truth.)
The schedule of the Evolution of Consciousness is a repeating cycle that ascends in a spiral path described by the Mayan calendar. What we know about what will probably occur in our near future is from the past, from historical records of what Consciousness has gone through during the same Creative/Destructive energies in previous cycles.
We also know that the best two men for the job of Pres and Vice Pres are the only two Democrats who got totally ignored so far. (If you don’t know who they are, the media blackout worked on you.) So we have Skull-and-Bones Kerry as the corporate-appointed Democrat nominee—and these two “other guys” who are running on the Consciousness/Light and Laughter platform. This platform is to be the dominating Consciousness of 2005, or the Fourth “Day” of the Mayan calendar.
How does someone get picked to be a presidential candidate? Who would the power elite trust with the hundreds of trillions of dollars that they control World Wide? Not just anybody, that’s for sure. And not anyone who stands up for the citizens—they might spend some of that money on the people! Oh God No! Not that! So what is the process?
The following data comes from many sources on the Internet and various “conspiracy” books--fairly impossible to track all the way down to source--but the sheer number of similar reports from wide-spread sources seems to indicate there must be some truth to what I am about to reveal.
We know how cruel people can be to one another in public. What about not just in private, but in secret? Who loves secrets? The Powerful that's who. The deeper and darker the secret, the more powerful the secret.
It starts in school, some law school or Ivy League college—some special, club-type institution.
It starts with an invitation to join a club or secret society—offered because of your lineage, because of your connections and your desire to become powerful. Favors are offered as a reward for joining these clubs and societies. To begin with, the favors involve grades, drugs, alcohol and sex. Membership begins with a ceremony, or initiation, that binds the person to secrecy.
How do you do that for sure?
By photographing the new “Member” involved in sexual acts—photographs that would instantly ruin their lives if they were ever made public.
Now you’re not ever going to tell anything about the workings of the group. Later, when a “Member” is approached by the club for a “favor,” that member had better perform or he or she will not progress up the power ladder. These favors start small and are only slightly illegal—or perhaps “only” immoral—and the person is rewarded with lavish gifts of sex, money, connections and prestige. The next favors are more involved, designed to test the “Member’s” resourcefulness and the strength of his or her desire to gain money, power, and sexual rewards. Rewards for these favors lead to the witnessing of taboo ceremonies involving sex and torture, regular orgies having lost their kick by now for the up-and-coming “Member.” Once a “Member” desires public office or a “ready made” business success, attendance at these rituals becomes mandatory. (All on film of course.) Once in office or at the head of the corporation, the “Member” will be expected to personally perform the ritual
torture and/or killing of the victim(s). After the “Member” has demonstrated his or her willingness to personally torture and murder on command, he or she makes the not-so-short list of potential leaders. This is not to say that all CEOs or politicians or police are involved. Those aforementioned are the ”Members” who have directly received “Favors.” These are people who have advanced themselves at the suffering of others. Lots of “Members” out there or you wouldn’t be hurting like you are.
How would you make sure that someone was willing to kill tens of thousands or millions of people for the sole benefit of your powerful friends? Through duly witnessed and photographed demonstrations of their total lack of regard for human suffering and loss of life. Now, the “Member” has become a suitable nominee for president or prime minister of whatever country they happen to be lurking in. Don’t think so? Can’t happen here?
Where do one hundred and fifty thousand kids disappear to each year in this country alone?
And you thought it was only pretty little white girls advertised on TV that go missing?
Check out what is happening in the Belgium courts right now over pedophile sex ring charges and the number of suicides among government leaders and policemen all across Europe.
Have you heard of the Amber Alert Bill? Do you know how and why and what that bill is? Do you know why it was rushed through, with rider bills attached?
Now there is a system that alerts everyone on the road of any vehicle’s make, color and license plate number in which a stolen kid may be riding. No matter why the police want this car and driver, everyone thinks it’s a kidnapping. Welcome to the US Public Police Force—you have been deputized.
Night clubs in your area shutting down? As a rider to the Amber Alert Bill, any club owner or venue renter is guilty of the possession of all controlled substances found in the possession of patrons at their club or venue. This will stop people from gathering anywhere other than Christian revival meetings, football games, stockcar races or other corporate-endorsed events. No drug checks there, huh?
So, how’s it going to go from how bad it is now to how it should be in 2005?
VERY QUICKLY is tanswer to that question. Very quickly indeed.
During each fourth “Day” the newest consciousness, in this case ETHICS, overcomes the previous consciousness, POWER, and new foundations are laid for the new consciousness to develop along its evolutionary path toward the next evolutionary jump.
The next jump is the consciousness of Conscious Co-Creation.
As you are already seeing in your lives today, there are more and more synchronicities, and random telepathic experiences happening. We are stepping into our roles of being creators right now. And, in fact, creating your own survival during the coming changes will be only way to survive. This is an evolution, after all. Evolution is a fabulously effective tool. Look how far we’ve come from cellular ooze in just 820 million years.
But Evolution has no mercy. This does not have to be tough on a Creator, just on victims.
Got it?
The storm will rise. The storm will rage and the storm will pass, leaving a cleaner environment for renewed growth. We know how it ends, with light and love prevailing.
Ian Xel Lungold
9 Jaguar (IX)
March 12, 2004
Ian Xel Lungold at the Mayan Calendar stone in Coba, Mexico
http://www.mayanmajix.com to learn more about the Mayan Calendar, Articles, Videos, Interviews, Learning Lab, Photo Gallery of Ancient Mayan Sacred Sites, Market , Links, and more.
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