are mostly a reaseller of other people's products and
services at a considerable mark up. Then again, you
may not be able to find it on your own!
In the meantime, if you are only beginning your
financial privacy quest, may we recomend that you use
our own system as an alternative
transaction system.
We feature worldwide cash deposits into the system,
easy withdrawals by check or ACH in those same
countries, plus a tie in to all of the major
And coming soon will be our brand new MULTICART
shopping cart system, so that merchants can receive
dozens of forms of payment without fuss and have the
transactions processed offshore in our system!
And, for your savings, we will soon have some
attractive options, including investing in mortgages
And we also strongly recommend that any of your
excess money be stored in the Pecunix gold backed
currency, whose servers, offices, and gold are all
safely offshore and private!
We need to start using FREEDOM enhancing systems to
build our freedom, and stop giving power to those who
seek to brand us like cattle, confiscate our funds at
will, and basicaly think they can do as they damn
well please with us and our assets.
Read this explosive report below, and start
transacting your business ELSEWHERE and in other
----------------- Original Message ------------------
Subject: Advisory - The banking saga sadly continues!
From: "PT Shamrock"
Date: Thu, June 23, 2005 8:43 pm
Advisory - The banking saga sadly continues!
Dear Subscribers:
We have been deluged with e-mails regarding our June
16th advisory. We've tried to answer each and every
e-mail as best possible. However in the event you
have not received a reply, please bear with us.
We'll get back to you ASAP. Thank you for your
Further to our June 16th Advisory, "Offshore banking
takes a turn
for the worse!" the banking saga sadly continues.
Much like Amerika's terrorist watch list, your
banking name and
details are being watched just as carefully as well.
Not just in
the USA, but worldwide!
If you have a common name like Smith, Jones, Nelson,
Patel, Singh, Mendez, Lopez, Lee, etc. watch out. Not
only is the money in your
bank account at risk, but money being sent to you may
very well be frozen and lost forever!
Basically today's banking reality is what the
Terrocracts have
accomplished intentionally. "You're guilty until and
unless you
prove yourself innocent."
After our June 16th banking advisory went out, a long
time associate emailed us the following;
He instructed that a bank wire be sent to a private
individual who has a very common surname. The
beneficiary has a bank account with a major Swiss
bank in his own name where the funds were to be wired
to. The sending bank was in Latvia.
Surprise, surprise, the "outgoing" wire was frozen.
Why? Because
the beneficiaries common *surname* was on the OFCA
list for
terrorist and drug dealers. A search of the OFCA list
thousands of persons with same surname on the list.
Worldwide there must be millions of persons with the
same surnames. Crazy isn't it?
In order to secure the release of the outgoing wire,
a notarized
passport copy from the "beneficiary" along with their
address was required. All was supplied nearly two
weeks ago with a few expletives deleted. As of this
writing the funds just
arrived, albeit at the price of the total loss of
privacy, and
with considerable consternation for the beneficiary.
How much money was involved with the above wire you
ask? One
million dollars? No. Five hundred thousand dollars?
No again. A
hundred thousand US dollars? No yet again. Fifty
Thousand? No.
Okay then US$25,000? Once again an emphatic NO.
A mere US$1,500 was the amount involved in the above
debacle. One
Thousand Five Hundred USD, get it? This is a travesty
of justice
and the public just takes it on the chin without
saying a thing,
mainly because they're so dumbed down and brainwashed
that they
believe it's for their own good. Simply amazing isn't
The culprit in this real life horror show? A USD wire
transfer and, a common "sic", surname!
We recommend in the strongest possible terms to avoid
like the
plague the sending and receiving of USD by wire
transfer. If and
only if you really have to send/receive USD, use a
corespondent bank like the one we do that is in
mainland China! [See alternative Nrb. 2 below.] This
way any USD wires sent or received OUTSIDE Amerika DO
NOT pass through the US banking system. Instead the
USD are routed via China, which is very kosher
The saving salvation for all this banking craziness,
and it is
crazy, is that the paper being created by these newly
(US) created (under threat) compliance requirements,
will eventually cause the system to crash. How long
might that be? Your guess is as good as ours.
Remember it only took around 70 years for the former
Soviet Union to collapse. We predict that Amerika's
banking system will topple in much less
time due to the paper requirements being shoved down
the throats of banks worldwide and their complacent
The paper chase, as we call it, has been going on for
about 15 years now in the US. After 9/11 Bush took it
to a much higher level and
the result is the paper and compliance requirements
are reaching
astounding and soon to be untenable levels.
You might not agree with us on the above, but many of
you called the $60 per barrel oil prediction (when it
was only $40 per barrel,)
made in our newsletter earlier this year, crazy.
However as we
politely remind you, oil just passed $59.50 per
barrel the other day and is heading higher. If one
thinks about these matters carefully, today's oil has
yet to reach the 1980's (adjusted to inflation)
US$90 per barrel high! That means oil could easily
rise another
50% to match the 1980's highs. Ditto for gold, silver
and most
other commodities. If that were to happen, all hell
will break
loose and it could signal a financial and economic
meltdown of
Titanic proportions!
It doesn't take an Einstein to realize that with the
banks requiring compliance on a messily US$1500 wire
transfer, you can image what
happens when larger amounts are involved. The amount
of paper work that is being generated must be
staggering! It will become impossible
to vet all the compliance reports at some point in
the foreseeable future. Place all of the above, along
with a very weak and still
declining USD, and there are very serious
consequences laying ahead that all should be aware
One really needs to sit back and reflect on today's
Terrocracts, their motivates and laws, i.e. The
Department of Terrifying the Homeland, Patriot Acts I
and II and so forth.
Understand we're all for fighting crime and stopping
terrorism of
ALL sorts, including government terrorism. But this
recent banking debacle is a bit overkill to put it
mildly. Unfortunately we don't see it getting any
better. Those who resist will be crushed, ground up
into a fine powder and blow away. IMO the US is
simply too
powerful for its own good.
The real purpose behind all this banking hoopla and
brouhaha has little to do with fighting terrorism and
crime. It has EVERYTHING to do
with the policing of your money, knowing where it is,
and the taxing thereof by the Terrocracts.
In spite of all of the above, there still remains a
few legal
alternatives in today's banking world. As we did in
our June 16th
advisory, they'll be repeated in a moment. First here
are some
financial and privacy considerations which we believe
merits your
urgent attention:
For those with less than US$50,000 or the equivalent
in other
currencies, placing your funds on one, two or even
three no name ATM cards might be the way for you to
go. If your cards all of a sudden and without notice,
are limited to a US$1,000 per day, per card
withdrawal, having two or three cards could be a life
saver. Its
something worth considering!
Be advised, technically when entering or leaving the
US and some
Western European Union countries with an ATM card in
your pocket or purse, the card is or could be
considered a "bearer instrument."
Having more than US$10,000 or equivalent on your person
(including the card,) subjects you to TCR reporting
i.e. a Treasury Currency Report. In France the amount
is only
Euro 6,000 that triggers you legally being required
to report the
money on you.
For those with liquid assets of US$50,000 to
US$250,000 or the
equivalent, we suggest you pay taxes on that money,
then move it
offshore to a respected bank. Be advised in today's
banking climate if you are a Yankee, many banks will
simply refuse to accept you
as a client as they do not wish to be placed under
Amerika's thumb anymore than they already have.
If accepted, they will certainly report your account
and income to the American authorities and will
require that you sign a "waiver" form to that effect.
No joy in that is there?
It's not much better for our European Union friends
The directive on EU taxation of interest income,
which looks likely to come into force on July 1,
2005, is intended to ensure that EU
taxpayers pay tax on interest generated outside their
country of
One legal loophole around this (so far,) is to have a
company account with a company from Panama, St.
Kitts, the Seychelles, etc. A mail accommodation
address OUTSIDE the EU could be beneficial to your
banking health as well.
Those with assets of a quarter million USD and up
should seriously consider a second nationality and or
a legal residency outside your home country. Now is
the time to start because according to our
excellent inside sources, the US Terrocracts are
starting phase
three of their Terrocractic assault on privacy, i.e.
forcing other nations to start reporting all resident
Americans/foreigners to
their respected home countries. By obtaining legal
residency now, you will more likely than not be
grandfathered in under existing laws that do not
require the reporting of your presence in your new
country of residence, or the acquisition of your new
nationality to your home authorities. That is a very
serious consideration!
A recent trip to Dubai offered some very interesting
and flexible
residency opportunities for PT's. Coupled with deluxe
apartments and condominiums, legal residency in Dubai
is certainly worth a look into. More on Dubai
residency in a future issue.
We have been inundated with requests asking us which
banks are best? Whilst there is not any one answer
that is best for everyone,as
everyone has their own requirements,) we do offer
some interesting options.
For those with the liquid assets, there is an
excellent bank called AIG Private Bank Ltd.
Switzerland. They have three branches in
Switzerland with headquarters in Zurich and branches
in Geneva
and Duebendorf. Although a personal visit is required
with a
US$100,000 minimum opening balance, they have offices
in Hong Kong, Singapore and São Paulo, Brazil, all of
which offers excellent
investment vehicles for their clients. Definitely
AIG Private Bank AG
P.O. Box 1376
CH-8021 Zurich
In the event you can not take the time and an
extensive trip
overseas, we have an excellent Swiss alternative.
This Swiss bank does NOT require a personal visit and
they only require a US$5,000 (or
equivalent) opening deposit. They offer brokerage
accounts as well as excellent investment services,
all with first rate Internet banking.
The best news of all is that you can open this
prestigious Swiss bank account via the mail in only a
few weeks time with only a notarized passport copy.
No personal visit necessary nor any intrusive
questions or utility bills with this Swiss bank. [See
alternative Nrb. 3 below.]
Another important consideration for some is the
possibility of obtaining a banking passport. All our
banks listed below accept our banking
passports. However be advised, our banking passport
sources have told us in no uncertain terms that
henceforth they are only going to issue one banking
passport per week, period. That means just two
banking passport orders per week will be available,
e.g. one for each of the two countries where the
banking passports are secured. Our banking passport
sources say they are strictly enforcing this new
policy in order to maintain
the integrity of the programs and in order to prevent
the unwanted attention from insecure governments. Do
govern yourselves accordingly.
See$4999.html for
information on banking passports.
Whilst PT Shamrock does not have the definitive
answers to all of today's banking and privacy
problems, we do have our fingers pretty well on the
pulse of matters and keep our customers and
subscribers updated as best as possible. We try hard
to bring you the latest and best privacy
news and products that we have located from honest
and reliable sources. In today's world, that's no
easy task and is becoming increasingly more
Hope the above (and below) helps.
See you with our next PTBuzz issue, July 2005.
PT Shamrock
Alternative 1: A Western European bank account that
can be opened
via the mail, with Internet banking and a personal or
company bank account. Minimum opening deposit
required to open this account is
US$25,000 or the Euro, CHf equivalent. Our cost to
you is Euro
1,000 for the bank account. Add Euro 1,450 for an off
the shelf
bearer share company. This account could be your best
long term
Alternative 2: Asian company bank account. This bank
is located
within the former CIS countries, but is very kosher.
Their USD
correspond bank is in CHINA, not the USA!
Comes with Internet banking, an ATM card with
unlimited daily
withdrawals (from source,) and a bearer share company
for Euro 2450. Opening account deposit is only
USD/Eur 500.
Alternative 3: Swiss bank account. This a particular
goody because it can be opened reasonably fast and
the opening deposit is minimal. Personal accounts
only are available at this time. Includes
brokerage account and Internet banking. Notarized
Passport copy
required. Cost is Euro 1500.
Alternative 4: Lithuanian bank account: Don't
discount this account, because the bank account is
opened locally by the branch of a
prestigious European Union bank. Internet banking,
ATM card and NO, repeat NO notarizations required!!!
Cost for a bearer share company, company account as
above, just Euro 2450.
Alternative 5: St. Kitts company and St. Kitts bank
account. This
could be a real winner, albeit notarized passport
copy and utility bill required. Includes easy to use
Internet banking and an ATM
card with a minimal opening deposit. Your cost, Euro
Alternative 6: Our USD/Eur 12,000 monthly withdrawal,
no name no ID ATM card. This ATM card is NOT from
Latvia and is hard to find.
See for
details. Cost,
including courier charges is Euro 545.
Alternative 7: This no name ATM card is for the
serious player only. No name appears on the card and
there is a whopping 150,000 USD
monthly withdrawal limit (US$5,000 daily limit.) Best
of all the
card is from a very strong country and the card
NEVER, repeat, NEVER expires. See for
details. Cost is US$1,320 and there is a very limited
supply available at
this time. Set up times for the above varies. In
most cases the no name no ID ATM cards are sent to
you by courier within a few working days after we
receive cleared funds. The bank account opening
process varies widely. Expect 4 weeks plus to get an
account opened in today's business world.
Remember there is a nice discount on the above
products to our
customers who, like ourselves, have been hurt by
recent Latvian
banking laws and have had, or will have their bank
accounts and or ATM cards terminated.
PS Please note; there will most likely be a
substantial price
increase for the bank products above, due to these
recent government restrictions on bank accounts and
the extreme scarcity of same.
Take action now to avoid future price hikes.
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