Thursday, November 25, 2004

Watch out for IntGold

The exchange provider CapitalX has been raising red
flags lately about IntGold.

We do not know if these complaints are for real or
not, as CapitalX is a fairly new exchanger and lacks a
certain amount of credibility at this point as we have
never used them.

However, if any of you have had simillar problems with
IntGold, please share it with the lists so that we can
get to the bottom of it.

The whole sordid story is here:

But remember, there are 2 sides to every story.


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Monday, November 22, 2004

Fwd: [PT] Very strange developments

Read this message very carefully. For those on our
lists who have read "The Science of Getting Rich" and
have listened to our success lessons at Destiny
Central, and have begun to learn what the universe is
really like,and how our minds can affect that
universe, this will not come as much of a surprise.

Rather, it is a vindication of what Wallace Wattles
wrote so long ago, that the universe is "formed of
formless stuff" and that our minds can "impress
thoughts upon this formless stuff," and that the act
of impression can produce for us what we desire or

It also verfies what Wattles says, that the universe
is filled with abundance. Indeed, abundance is the
NATURAL state of the universe, and lack is an

At last, hard science is catching up with what Wattles
and others have been saying for a long, long time.

What needs to happen is for us to become a super
conductor. We need to impress our thoughts and
consciousness onto the formless stuff, and the
universe we want can manifest itself for us.

To put it simply, if we don't like the so called
"reality" we appear to be in, we have the power to
change it. If it is just us who wants this change,
the act of impressing these thoughts on the universe
may actually shift us into a universe where our dreams
really can and do come true.

Read this fascinating and uplifting story below, and
then realize that by putting your foot on the true
road to success and abundance and joy, you are
actually half way there already.



> Changing Everything
> This November 22, 2004 Gary Scott message shows a
> huge discovery that
> can affect our international business, our
> international investments
> and enhance our wealth. About three years ago the
> Gary Scott site
> shared the message below:
> "Where does a wealth attitude come from?" To answer
> this we have to
> look at the Quantum aspects of life. Doing this can
> help us with our
> wealth as well because the foundations of wealth
> have the same
> attitude root! Begin with our physical selves which
> to our five
> senses looks, feels, smells, tastes and sounds
> solid. Yet if science
> is to be believed we know that we are not. We are
> told (and most of
> us believe) that if we dig deep enough we'll find
> that the solid
> stuff that makes us is just a bunch of molecules
> swirling around one
> another separated by vast amounts (in relative
> terms, the molecules
> are as far from each other as earth is to the sun)
> of space. And as
> you'll see in a minute if we believe it, it is real.
> Plus we also believe that if we look deeper we find
> that even these
> molecules are not solid, but are again composed by
> bits of stuff we
> call atoms swirling in vast amounts of space. Nor is
> this the end.
> These atoms are also broken down into even tinier
> parts, electrons,
> neutrons, protons that are made of even smaller
> bosons, quarks and
> such.
> Finally we reach a point where these smallest bits
> act differently
> than any way we can imagine in our physical world.
> This is their
> Quantum state, a place where the essence of all
> physical things
> sometimes acts like bits of matter and other times
> acts like energy.
> Here is the crunch.
> Science tells us that it is the act of observation,
> or our intention
> or attention that determines whether these bits are
> energy or stuff.
> In other words if science is to be believed, we
> literally create the
> universe in which we live. This first dramatically
> came home to me
> when I read an article in USA Today entitled,
> "Quantum Computer"
> which states Atomic Quantum computers (QC) will
> probably take the
> world into the next era of information technology.
> The article says that the QC works in Qubits of
> processing power and
> has a different type of logic (which works on the
> principles of
> quantum mechanics) that makes their speed immense.
> For example a
> forty qubit (IBM labs have already created up to
> three qubit
> computers) processor would have all the power of
> today's super
> computers, but would be enormously faster. A Quantum
> computer would
> be a billion times faster than a Pentium III PC.
> According to the
> article, a current super computer trying to find one
> number in a
> database of all the world's phone books would take
> one month. A
> quantum computer would take 27 minutes!
> Labs around the world are pushing this science hard.
> IBM,
> Hewlett-Packard, Bell Labs, UC Berkeley are just a
> few U.S. concerns
> that have invested heavily in this technology.
> Because these
> computers will be able to break any type of code or
> encryption, the
> CIA, Pentagon etc. are both very nervous yet
> interested all at the
> same time. The government has set up a well-funded
> quantum computer
> lab at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
> The point?
> What I am about to write is not science fiction nor
> airy-fairy stuff.
> Billions are already being invested by some of the
> largest companies
> and governments in the world. Yet all this investing
> is in something
> none of us may be able to understand or even worse
> can't even
> believe. According to the article, Charles Bennett,
> IBM's best known
> quantum computer scientist says, "It takes a great
> deal of courage to
> accept these things. If you do, you have to believe
> in a lot of other
> strange things." MIT's Neil Gershenfeld, who with
> IBM's Issac Chuang
> built the most successful Quantum computer to date,
> says, "Nature
> knows how to compute. We just don't know how to ask
> the right
> questions." Here is how the computer works. All
> atoms have a spin of
> up or down, so scientists can use these spins in the
> same way that
> transistors are currently used in today's computers
> to represent a 0
> or 1.
> So far so good, but here is where the quantum
> factors come in that
> are the source of the amazing power of these
> computers. Atoms can
> have both an up or down spin at the same time until
> they are
> measured. The act of measuring forces the atom to
> choose between up
> or down. In essence what these scientists are saying
> is it's not the
> atom that has the spin, but the act of observation!
> In other words,
> these computers do not depend on matter but on
> motion.
> Remember I am simply passing on what USA Today says
> IBM, Hewlett
> Packard, the U.S. Government and others are spending
> billions on
> right now. But Quantum weirdness does not end here.
> The article
> continues by saying that qubits don't do
> calculations in linear form
> like current computers. They instead do all possible
> calculations at
> the same time, straddling all possible answers until
> the act of
> measuring the qubits forces them to settle on an
> answer.
> Weirder still? According to the article, the Quantum
> computer holds
> an infinite number of right answers for an infinite
> number of
> universes (remember I am not writing this, the USA
> Today article and
> the computers already exist). The computer just
> gives you the right
> answer for the universe you happen to be in at the
> time. To believe
> in Quantum computers (which our government and
> private industry is
> spending billions on) we have to believe in parallel
> universes.
> This is hard to grasp and then it gets even harder!
> Quantum computers
> gain even more power because of a process called
> entanglement. When
> two atoms are observed by the same force, they
> become entangled and
> remain so even though they may be light years apart.
> Their spins are
> in all positions at once, but the instant one
> entangled atom is
> observed its spin goes one way. At that same
> instant, the spin of the
> other particle locks in the opposite direction (even
> though they are
> then light years apart). This is essential to the
> increased speed of
> Quantum computers. Today's computers are limited to
> the speed, which
> an electron can pass through a wire (the speed of
> light). With
> entanglement, a quantum computer's speed can blow by
> today's
> computers because the shift in spin even over light
> years is
> instantaneous! In addition because of entanglement
> according to USA
> Today, there are ways to do Star Trek type
> teleportation.
> Remember I am not writing these words. According to
> USA Today, Stan
> Williams of Hewlett-Packard says, "The potential is
> so huge and it
> would be so disruptive it could completely change
> the way at least
> some computing is done." So in short our attitude,
> our attention or
> intention or focus or beliefs or let's use the word
> faith is what
> creates our world.
> That was quite a leap of faith to think that we
> could have
> technology as powerful as this in just thirty years.
> We may not have
> to wait so long! A very intelligent reader
> remembered this message
> and just wrote:
> "Gary, IBM scientists have successfully measured the
> energy it takes
> to "flip" the magnetic orientation of a single atom.
> This measurement
> of one of the fundamental magnetic properties of
> materials is a
> significant step in developing nanometer scale
> magnetic structures
> for ultradense data storage, as well as other
> applications, one of
> the most significant of which is quantum computing.
> Follow this
> information and watch IBM. This could create a huge
> trend..with
> ramifications unknown!
> Gary

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Thursday, November 18, 2004

How scammers run rings round eBay

> How scammers run rings round eBay
> By Ken Young
> Published Tuesday 16th November 2004 16:15 GMT
> Everyone knows that buying and selling on eBay is
> precarious. Even eBay
> admits this and gives basic advice on its site that
> it believes helps
> eliminate most fraud.
> But there appears to be a basic weakness in eBay's
> system that fraudsters
> and petty thieves are exploiting. It occurs when
> buyers pay sellers direct
> into the sellers' bank account by cheque or cash.
> The following is a real
> example that occurred in September this year (names
> withheld for legal
> reasons). Let's call the buyer Tom and the seller
> Harry.
> Tom won the bid for a mobile phone and agreed to pay
> Harry (who lives 80
> miles away from Tom) £185 plus £6 insurance using
> cash at a branch of
> Harry's bank. A few days later a box arrived. It
> contained a battery charger
> and an earplug, but no phone. Tom informed Harry who
> said that he believed
> someone at the post office must have stolen the
> phone and that he would look
> into it.
> Days passed and Tom then asked Harry to claim on the
> insurance. Harry said
> he had lost the insurance slip and would instead
> refund 50 per cent of the
> £185. A week passed and Tom called Harry to say no
> payment had been received
> and that he was losing his patience and would report
> the matter to eBay.
> Harry made more excuses and stopped answering his
> mobile phone. Over the
> next few weeks they spoke occasionally but Harry
> refused to send any money
> and blamed Tom for his removal from eBay (subsequent
> to Tom informing eBay
> of his loss). Tom contacted Harry's bank but the
> bank refused to provide
> Harry's address. Tom only knows Harry's mobile phone
> number and Hotmail
> email address.
> In summary, Tom spent £196 on a phone that never
> arrived and he is not
> alone. As a result of basic research for this story
> we have been contacted
> by five people who have experienced similar scams
> (their stories, in emails,
> are copied below). The fact is it appears far too
> easy for this scam to be
> perpetrated.
> Pattern of fraud
> The pattern is all too predictable. Buyers and
> sellers agree not to go
> through the more secure PayPal system because it
> costs more to do so. So
> buyers take the risk of sending the money to the
> seller who either doesn't
> send the goods or sends shoddy or fake goods. The
> sellers protect themselves
> against prosecution by claiming loss, or disputing
> the buyer's version of
> events. The amounts involved - though not
> insignificant to the buyer - are
> too small for eBay to want to take the matter
> further.
> There is one other common factor in all these
> stories. Though the buyers
> report the matter to eBay they are invariably
> frustrated at standard email
> responses and being steered towards a mediation
> system which costs the buyer
> £15 and even then may or may not lead to resolution.
> Alternatively, sellers
> can claim compensation through eBay and may get a
> maximum of £105 - if they
> claim between 30 and 90 days after the event and
> meet the criteria for
> payment. In our example above Tom made a claim last
> month and is still
> waiting.
> A common refrain is: "Should I report this to the
> police? eBay are not
> replying to my emails about this and I don't know if
> the police are aware or
> not. What should I do?"
> eBay declined an interview in relation to this story
> but instead issued a
> statement:
> "eBay takes the issue of fraud very seriously and
> investigates every case of
> fraud reported to it. eBay currently has over 1,000
> people worldwide with
> backgrounds in law enforcement, customer support,
> advanced computer
> engineering and analysis dedicated to making eBay
> one of the safest places
> to trade online and, in the UK, employs an
> ex-Scotland Yard officer as
> liaison point for law enforcement agencies.
> "The majority of transactions on the eBay site are
> completely secure and
> without incident. Approximately 0.01 per cent of
> transactions end in a
> confirmed case of fraud."
> This means that for every million transactions, 100
> are 'confirmed'
> fraudulent, though the criteria for this
> confirmation are not available. Any
> security consultant will say that is an acceptable
> level of risk and way
> below fraud levels on credit cards. Not
> surprisingly, eBay therefore does
> not advise people specifically not to pay by cheque
> or cash payment into a
> seller's bank account.
> Top tips
> On the eBay website its 'top tips' state that
> sellers should ideally use
> secure payment systems like PayPal (which offers
> greater levels of
> protection, though still limited if the seller has
> little or no track
> record) and should NOT use money transfer services
> "like Western Union".
> But aside from telling buyers to be wary it does not
> tell buyers NOT to send
> cheques or pay directly into sellers' bank accounts
> (either by money
> transfer or using cash at a bank branch). Clearly it
> believes that most such
> transactions are safe and therefore if the buyer
> assesses the risk as low,
> then why not?
> Many eBay users may agree - it's 'caveat emptor'
> applied to the world of
> online car boot sales. But when Steve Gold, a
> security consultant, celebrity
> ex-hacker (he co-hacked the Duke of Edinburgh's
> Prestel mailbox), and former
> accountant also gets hit by such a scam you begin to
> wonder how the mass of
> eBay's users are avoiding getting stung and whether
> the 0.01 per cent figure
> is an accurate reflection of the amount fraud
> occurring.
> Gold, an experienced eBay user, reports that he
> bought a hard drive for £63
> from a man who never sent the item. After weeks of
> the usual hassle he used
> to track the man down to confront him. The
> seller - somewhat shocked
> to see his 'victim' - pleaded poverty and illness
> and apologized profusely.
> Gold admitted defeat safe in the knowledge that at
> least he had confronted
> his fraudster and learnt a useful - if painful -
> lesson.
> Pants down
> He now says he uses a mixture of web tools to check
> out sellers. He pays
> £25 per 100 enquiries to get addresses from
> phone numbers; he uses
> to check out locations of sellers; and
> he admits he is more
> cautious than ever.
> "eBay is caught with its pants down," he says. "They
> are neglecting their
> customers; they should make a shed load of
> information available to help
> people to avoid this." Like others Gold says he hit
> a brick wall when he
> tried to get other bodies involved: "I went to
> trading standards - they
> weren't interested. I even compiled a dossier on the
> seller and sent it to
> his local police force. Subsequently they told me
> they were aware of eBay
> fraud but don't deal with it." Gold believes the
> level of fraud on eBay is
> higher than the 0.01 per cent figure given: "But how
> can we tell? eBay won't
> reveal the real figures so we have no way of
> knowing."
> He has a point. Credit card fraud has been reduced
> over the years by greater
> public awareness over the levels and types of fraud
> occurring. eBay is
> relying on sellers to be 'careful' but the question
> for the regulatory
> authorities remains: Is eBay doing enough to protect
> its users? Those who
> lose out as a result of this type of scam certainly
> think not.
> Clearly eBay cannot be held responsible for
> dishonesty among sellers but
> perhaps it could do a lot more to warn people how
> easy it is for petty
> criminals to exploit our desire for a bargain. Maybe
> it is time for an
> independent body to track complaints against the
> system so that buyers can
> get a better picture of the types and frequency of
> frauds occurring. ®
> Below are a selection of emails from others
> defrauded via eBay. Names have
> been omitted for legal reasons:
> I was cheated out of £200 when I tried to buy an
> ipod. I corresponded with
> the seller, who seemed friendly until I sent my
> money and he clammed up. I
> got emails from another apparent victim, who also
> was a bit shy of giving
> out his contact details. I suspect the second person
> was the first in
> disguise. Top cap it all, the seller gave a bank
> account for me to deposit
> the money, which I did, but it turned out that his
> identity was totally
> fake - in fact it was someone else's ID. So he had
> used a real ID (not his
> own), to open not one but three accounts at
> Nationwide to use for fake eBay
> transactions. I contacted the police but the trail
> went cold. I did manage
> to get Nationwide to close the accounts down They
> said he had been taking
> money out as soon as it hit the account. I tried to
> contact eBay with the
> details, saying the guy wasn't returning my emails,
> they responded with an
> email saying "why don't you try our arbitration
> service." I emailed them
> asking how I could do that if the guy won't respond
> to me. They replied
> saying they were sorry about that but maybe I should
> try their arbitration
> service. I then asked how I could claim on their
> insurance policy to
> reimburse defrauded customers, and they simply
> replied advising me to try
> their arbitration service.
> I bought a couple of Tiffany items - from
> different sellers - for my niece
> last Christmas. One item was fine - the other was a
> fake. The girl who sold
> it handled it perfectly. She was very chatty (by
> email) and was 'touched'
> when I told her the thing was intended as a gift for
> my niece etc.....
> Anyway, when my niece received the item, it was
> obviously a fake. We did
> consult Tiffany, who confirmed that they hadn't ever
> manufactured a piece in
> that style. I got back on to her and her response
> was something not so far
> short of f off - but without the swear words. I was
> furious. I contemplated
> forms of retribution. I did, however, go thru the
> Safe Harbour system but
> with no success. I later made a claim from eBay but
> it was such a
> long-winded process that i kind of forgot to finish
> it off. So I just lost
> the money. From my experience I'd suggest eBay needs
> to sort out its claims
> policy. It's such a hassle that it really is
> off-putting. I still use eBay
> but without the same enthusiasm.
> I have a reseller friend who was a victim of an
> eBay scam, and to add
> insult to injury not only did they steal his card
> details on a non-existent
> transaction, they sent him a brick through the post
> to rub salt into that
> wound.
> © Copyright 2004 The Register

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Saturday, November 06, 2004

This is what happens to real programs run from the USSA

I have said this before, and I will say it again: you
cannot run a successful honest program from the USSA.
The scammers like Osgold have absolutely nothing
happen to them. It would be easy for the FEDGOV to
trace down Reed, extradite him, freeze his accounts,
liquidate his hotels and other holdings, etc., but
they don't do that.

They could care less that you were ripped off by this

But, they DO go after honest programs and seek to shut
them down, because they can't let the "little people"
escape from their slavery to a JOB.

That is why LOCATION is important for a program as
well as it is for real estate. If an honest program
is stupid enough to operate frm the USSA, the UK, or
some other places, they will eventually bite the dust.

Even offshore you have no guarantee these days, but
you have a better chance.

Here is a report on the FEDGOV attack on Crown, Inc.
We were not involved in this one, but in case any of
you are, here are the FACTS and please pass these

Go to the website indicated in this report for more
details. We are not tracking this one, but thought
this is an important lesson of where NOT to keep or
invest your money.


P.S. By the way, the program operator's and his
attorney's faith in the US "justice" system is
touching, but they will soon find out there is none, I
predict. I predict that no matter what the facts of
the case are, the owners are going to jail, and their
and all the investor's assets will be confiscated and
eaten by BB. Let's see if I am right.

Crown Inc Program updated Nov 4th


RANDY ( Crown Inc boss).

So; read the below with a grain of salt. God is on
Randy's side in this atrocity, he has too many
humanitarian projects depending upon him to let SEC
get away with stripping everything away. What we need
is YOUR prayers; LOTS of them. Pray as we do ,
everyday, that justice is served in this case. Ber

Oct 21,2004
As of this day until further notice Crown Inc will not
be accepting further deposits. Although I have
personally seen the portfolio of legitimate businesses
Crown Inc is involved with to earn the money, a major
one even displayed on the stock exchange, SMPP, the
boss has now come under investigation by big brother,
SEC, for running a ponzi scheme. Folks, Crown Inc has
paid everyone for four years straight; NO MISSED
PAYMENTS except for Sept and Oct 2004 after SEC froze
ALL of their bank accounts, onshore as well as
offshore. This is not about his legitimacy, but about
keeping money away from us slaves; and stealing big
money for black opps government use. He has much
proof of receipts of these businesses, I have seen
them as well as the portfolio of businesses which made
the earnings. In some months withdrawals exceeded
money sent in and these were paid; ponzis don't work
that way.

Court date was Nov 1,2004, and an injunction was
handed down that essentially froze all assets and put
them in receivership. But as I understand it, Randy
has not yet been able to present his case. Go to There is
a list of
cases on the right hand side and one of them is Learn
Waterhouse. Crown Inc holdings were part of Learn
Waterhouse. Having been privileged to know the
workings of this company, I consider this an atrocity.
And we all know what happens when government gets
involved. How many dollars have you received back from
OsGold, OsOpps, Income Ventures, Crystal Capstone, E
Biz, Rent and Mortgage, EvoCash, and many other
similar situations in which government stepped in but
never allocated anything to anybody except themselves.

My only guess in this matter is that their venturing
into the bank trading arena which is loathe with
dishonest people, especially at the upper echelon
levels with which they were dealing, put the
businesses side of the portfolio in jeopardy. This is
only speculation on my part at this part in time. I
am also told there was a vendetta involved here.

When and if this is resolved Crown Inc will again
resume taking in funds. Don't send me emails to
comment further on this as I cannot at this time. I
will put out additional information in my newsletter
which you can subscribe to at and which I will
also post at

DO read the explanation put out in my 10-22 newsletter
regarding this at

Crown Inc is a daughter company of Learn Waterhouse
Inc. You can find the complaint at

At this point in time I know nothing more than is
posted on this page; but I will keep you updated.


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Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Today's Insight and Inspiration

Think about this one for a while. It is short, to the
point, and says it all:

"If you think you have to get THIS in order
to have THAT, then what you REALLY want is
THAT, not THIS."

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